@Access Features and Functionality
production features
Templates: A visual configurator helps marketing teams create a plethora of templates quickly, thus facilitating the reuse of digital assets.
Drafts: Users can save and visualize their drafts at any time. This gives them the opportunity to review their work immediately, varying textual and graphic input for comparison.
Print ready PDF: At the click of a button, the final version is saved as a high-resolution PDF file with linked images that are ready for print.
Approvals: Contributions can be routed to corporate headquarters or other authorized contacts for approval to ensure end-to-end documentation as well as compliance with corporate design standards.
Access Controls: After completion and approval, digital assets are filed in a logical hierarchy with role-based access control.
Update new versions of assets while maintaining or archiving previous versions.
Retain metadata values for each asset version.
Identify duplicate files through filename management.
Maintain version control of assets via embed codes.
Store and maintain document templates to update and publish through periodic data feeds.
Store and maintain customer personal profile data to enhance the personalization experience.
Create multiple assets using group/batch creation tools.
Integrate with your CRM and use customer and sales rep field data for personalization.
Store and maintain assets at the user level through the user profile feature toolset.
Features: Asset versioning, filename management and embed codes.
Distribute and share
Share visual content with anyone, from anywhere.
Share branded collections with internal/external teams or embed assets on public-facing channels.
Grow visibility of popular digital assets with share links.
Features: Share links, embed codes, downloading, social media sharing, branded collections, Dropbox downloads, order approval and intended use.
Search for digital assets right from your dashboard.
Define client categorization, grouping and filtering.
Find assets swiftly with quick search and keyword search.
Automate tagging with controlled metadata values.
Target assets with spotlight searches and collections.
Features: Unlimited custom metadata fields, faceted search, spotlight and category search, advanced search and predictive search.
Give your site a personalized brand experience.
Use single sign on SAML or active directory access from any other system.
Customized URL, SSO integration and Rest API.
Control access with user roles and permission levels.
Set expiration dates and notify guests by email.
Deploy multi-branded scalability for your enterprise needs.
Features: Custom login page and dashboard, granular roles and permissions, asset expiration and release and multi-brand URLs.
distribution features
Organize Assets: Marketers can organize digital assets in a multi-level folder hierarchy of their choice after production to facilitate searching and access. The system automatically generates previews, thumbnails and links.
Tags (Metadata): Media files can be marked with multiple tags (metadata) to make it easier for users to retrieve them without knowing the exact original context.
File Versions: The system automatically numbers new versions of a file. Previous versions are archived and blocked from public access.
Drag and Drop New Assets: Using a web client, both internal and external contributors can submit new content from anywhere when administrators drag and drop those files into the designated folders. The system automatically catalogs them and adds the corresponding metadata.
User Access Rights: Access rights can be differentiated by user role to comply with regulatory, industry and corporate standards. Administrators can specify sophisticated security policies that govern who may access which content and to what extent.
Publish Content
Automatically resize and crop digital assets and paste into any web page.
Integrate with your CMS to electronically deliver assets into any web page.
Integrate @Access as the CMS to deliver assets into any web page or document.
Maintain one or multiple master files and update across the web.
Gain insight into your asset usage through geolocation map views and URLs with embed codes.
Features: Dynamic embed codes, asset versioning, expiration dates, map insights and URL tracking.
Asset File Formats
Automatically convert file formats on-the-fly.
Convert digital assets from embedded collections.
Give users permission for conversions by role.
Gain access to your assets from anywhere, on demand.
Features: Conversion formats, conversion permissions, batch selection and conversion, share links and notifications by email.
Asset Performance
See when and how your visitors engage with assets.
See which websites use your digital assets and a map of asset views.
Get instant snapshots of site performance.
Export raw data for individual or groups of assets.
See how videos perform across channels by tracking average view time and number of plays.
Features: Quick Insights, activity feed, intended use, engagement score and insights.
Integrate with Adobe
Use Adobe to create files and templates.
Capture and save variables captured with Adobe.
Incorporate and save Adobe antidote records.
Track workflow and approvals with e-sign techniques.
Use Adobe suite of products.
Features: Offline asset creation, asset sharing and collaboration, capture and save variables and antidote data.

User Interface Features
Profile management gives the power of the experience to the user, who can customize their experience without disruption to marketing admin level setup or rules.
Create, store, track and reuse your own assets and content.
Access and incorporate contact CRM field data to use for personalization.
Access relevant content from their Content Management System (CMS) and incorporate into any asset or document.
Access and use the DemandOne library for imagery, infographics, photos, etc.
Access and use the DemandOne library for graphics and charts and populate with data supplied manually or as a CSV or other data-structured upload.
Access and use pre-designed templates for their industry and adapt to their corporate brand.
CRM extension allows users to capture relevant personal data on customer contacts that may not be included in their CRM or other systems.
Create, customize and personalize any asset or document empowered to them by your organization, (if allowed) users can also create assets and documents of their own choosing.